JeCCDO –HACDPO coordinated 4 CLAs found at Dato Odahe Kebele of Hawassa City to celebrate the International Women’s day, March 8. During the event 72 participants drawn from 34 SHGs, CBOs, Faith based organizations, Women Youth and Social Affairs Office, Health Office, and Kebele Administration representatives have attended the event.
The partakers discussed on gender equality, GBV, and other related issues. The national motto for the year 2022 “I care for my Sister” was given due emphasis and displayed accordingly. Government representatives who attended the occasion commended efforts by CLAs of raising awareness among their communities regarding equality, justice, and child protection among others. Furthermore, the government representatives expressed their commitments to provide these CLAs efforts in the areas of responsibilities of their respective organizations. The CLAs, on the other hand renewed their commitments to play active roles in the overall socio-economic development and empowerment of poor and marginalized women in general and that of the women members of their SHG members in particular acknowledging the encouragement from the government representatives. CLAs also expressed their hopes of achieving tangible changes in the lives of poor women and thanked JeCCDO for its remarkable effort to empower them socially and economically.