JeCCDO handed over a tractor with a trailer worth ETB 617,427.10 to a community-based organization known as Yeshiwork, Hirut, and Friends Solid Waste Disposal Partnership Enterprise for facilitating a solid waste collection disposal system in the town of Debre Birhan. The handing-over event was organized on the 14th of December 2021 in Debre Berhan.

The tractor for solid waste disposal is part of a project on Integrated Interventions for Social Protection and Livelihood Improvement of Disadvantaged Groups financed by the Ethiopiaid Australia Foundation. It is to help strengthen the work of Yeshiwork, Hirut, and Friends Solid Waste Disposal Partnership Enterprise in the area of environmental sanitation.

The tractor handover agreement was signed between JeCCDO and Yeshiwork, Hirut and Friends Solid Waste Disposal Partnership Enterprise as well as Debre Berhan City Administration Urban Development Program Office.

Picture: Signing the tractor handover agreement (between JeCCDO and Yeshiwork, Hirut and Friends Solid Waste Disposal Partnership Enterprise as well as Debre Berhan City Administration Urban Development Program Office.)
Picture: Signing the tractor handover agreement (between JeCCDO and Yeshiwork, Hirut and Friends Solid Waste Disposal Partnership Enterprise as well as Debre Berhan City Administration Urban Development Program Office.)

Ato Getaneh Bezawork, JeCCDO’s Debrebirhan Area Community Development Program Manager, after the handover, explained the need for the agreement and how the enterprise should go forward with the use of the tractor. He said it is part of JeCCDO’s dedication to playing its own role in the city’s hygiene and sanitation and job creation for women and youth in the City. He also said that members of the enterprise have been trained in the operation of the tractor and apart from the 617,427.10 birr cost spent to buy the tractor he said that JeCCDO has allocated another 50,000 birr for running cost. He also urged all responsible bodies to support the enterprise in its future work.

Ato Getaneh Bezawork, JeCCDO’s Debrebirhan Area Community Development Program Manager.
Ato Getaneh Bezawork, JeCCDO’s Debrebirhan Area Community Development Program Manager.
Ato Hailemaryam Nigus the City Administration Urban Development Office Manager.
Ato Hailemaryam Nigus the City Administration Urban Development Office Manager.

The enterprises’ chairwoman Yeshiwork Tessema on her part thanked JeCCDO on behalf of the enterprise members. She remembered their traditional way of disposing of solid waste and that the tractor will make the work easier for them.

Members of Yeshiwork, Hirut, and Friends Solid Waste Disposal Partnership Enterprise with their new tractor from JeCCDO.


